Employee appraisal software

Take development conversations with PlanPro software to the next level. Streamline your performance management with powerful employee appraisal software. A lot of different options and forms of conversations.

Performance appraisals in PlanPro software

PlanPro software is a flexible tool for conducting various reviews and evaluations, e.g. annual and mid-year reviews, end of probation reviews, onboarding programs, exit interviews, 360-degrees feedback appraisals, employee engagement surveys, etc.

Make your own questionnaire form with your questions. Or use ready-made templates. During the implementation, we will help you prepare the form.

Reduce the time spent on administration – make the process easier for employees, managers and HR team. All employees’ training needs, career aspirations, or performance pay decisions are a few clicks away. The overview reports can be exported to Excel, of course.

PlanPro has helped to conduct
50 000+ performance reviews

PlanPro is No 1 software with the largest number of users in the area.

Employee appraisal software

Conduct employee appraisal interviews with customised forms created for your organisation. Choose the party starting the appraisal – employee or the direct manager, as you like. Reviews can be conducted by the managers or team leaders. The privacy of the draft keeps data unavailable for other parties until the appraisal has been forwarded.

If you wish, you can call it performance appraisal or collaborative conversation, because you can build the form the way you want.

Find easily the appraisal forms from different years in one place. Managers can also view results of the appraisals as a visualized summary.

PlanPro tarkvaras saate oma arenguvestlused disainida oma ettevõtte vajadustest lähtuvalt ja küsida neid küsimusi, mis just teie organisatsiooni jaoks on olulised.

Competency assessment

Evaluate employee competencies using general, position-specific competency models or use 360/270-degree feedback system. Make the most of various scales and/or use free text fields for comments.

Performance management

Manage performance with the help of PlanPro software: set goals and targets. The agreed activities will form personal working plan for the emplyee. Follow-up and recognize using previously agreed metrics/KPIs.

Take organisational strategic goals to every employee – PlanPro software connects activities with strategic goals illustrating personal contribution of an employee towards overall goals of the organisation.
Arenguvestluse üks jutupunkte on

360-degree feedback

Gather feedback for professional performance from the employee, direct manger, subordinates, colleagues as well as from external partners and customers. As a results, an individual summary report is prepared for the employee highlighting the differences between his/her self-perception compared to the feedback from other parties part of the evaluation.

Development and training needs

Summarise and reflect on passed trainings during employee appraisal (with the possibility to import training data automatically to appraisal forms). Map future development needs. Gather data for future trainings and set priorities. The information from the employee appraisal is the input for organisations development and training plan for the future period. This provides an opportunity to bring together all employees with the same training needs, and perhaps some trainings can be organised across the company.

Engagement surveys and other online surveys

Conduct surveys to get feedback: measure employee engagement and satisfaction, gather input for further dialogue on different topics.PlanPro employee appraisal software supports you.

Overview of the features: employee appraisal in PlanPro

User-friendly interface and well-designed functionalities

Software does not require specific training for managers and employees, it is simple to use.

Developed with HR experts

PlanPro employee appraisal software has been developed together with HR leaders and its logic is based on long-term performance management and employee appraisal experience and best practise.

Simple implementation

Users are imported to employee appraisal software through Active Directory or Office 365 integration automatically, having pre-defined roles when starting a performance review or feedback session.

Always getting even better

You can be confident that the software is always getting better and offers new features and functionalities due to wide user base. As a customer, you can enjoy maintenance, customer support and regular version updates.

Curious to know more?

Additional options

PlanPro is not just performance reviews. The software helps to manage strategic goals and metrics, departmental work plans and employee tasks, manage risks, plan and measure budget and time.


Execute your strategy and take it to every employee within one tool. Set goals, objectives and targets. Follow-up and recognize.


Your goals, plans, activities. All collected in one solution for improved (internal) communication and teamwork.


Define, categorize and evaluate risks. Define, categorize and evaluate risks. Prepare and store mitigation and action plans. Manage your risks.


Integrate budgeting with strategic management and project management. Save a lot of time and avoid spreadsheets.


Track working time. Have a data-based view on planned vs actual working time for different tasks and processes.


Generating, displaying and exporting reports and reports based on various parameters.

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PlanPro osaleb HR EXPO-l

12. septembril 2024

Tule HR EXPO-le ja liitu meie töötoaga “Inimeste kaasamine: strateegiline eesmärgistamine ja töö tähendus” kell 10:15 Ericsson Connectivity Roomis või astu läbi meie boksist!

Töötoast saad ülevaate järgmistest teemadest:

  • Personalijuht kui juhtide koostööpartner
  • Strateegiliste eesmärkide viimine töötajateni
  • Töö tähenduse loomine kaasava juhtimisega

Töötoa viivad läbi PlanPro kliendihaldur-konsultant Reelika Ristolainen ja tootejuht Riina Truusalu.


Take performance reviews to the next level. Book a free demo!

Reelika Ristolainen, PlanPro kliendihaldur-konsultant

Reelika Ristolainen,
Customer Success Manager



9. mail kell 10.00

Vestluste mooduli võimalusi tutvustab:
Reelika Ristolainen, kliendihaldur-konsultant
