Avaleht » How to ensure effectiveness in strategic planning?
The prerequisite for identifying performance is measuring the level of achievement of goals – for this, it is necessary to map where we are at the moment and where we want to go. If there are many indicators, managing them is time-consuming, and here we need an information system to help.
You must have heard the expression “what you measure, you get”. Looking at strategy documents, there is no doubt that many organizations, especially the public sector, have taken this into account in planning their work for years. Indeed, the public sector has equipped itself with mammoth tables of metrics that take countless man-hours to complete. Considering the amount of data that is needed to manage one national performance area, nothing less could be limited to a voluminous Excel table. The goal is noble, but is investing in an Excel spreadsheet really worth it?
How high quality are the metrics set? Do performance metrics managed by the responsible organization? Do they affect each other like a geared motor moving from general to detailed or vice versa? We don’t know exactly, because there is a lot of data and it is difficult to manage and check the information with just a table.
However, the effectiveness of the metrics cannot be evaluated as independent data objects, but they are inextricably linked to the goal, which in turn is related to the activities that contribute to the achievement of this goal.
In order to achieve a new level of performance, there is a prerequisite convenient and visualized metrics management, where other data objects related to the achievement of planned indicators are also easily available.
Here comes the help management information system software PlanPro, which has focused on the development of metrics management and visualization this year and next. We are working to make management even more effective.
If you don’t measure, you don’t check, and if you don’t check, you don’t manage!
The author of the article, Helen Raun, has worked for a long time as a promoter of strategic planning in various public sector institutions. In addition to being a financier-economist, he has studied international business management and holds an MBA degree in business consulting and organizational development, and has furthered his skills in performance and personnel management.
If you are looking for suitable software to take your strategic planning to a new level, be sure to ask for PlanPro software DEMO.
PlanPro enables strategic planning at different hierarchical levels (e.g. performance area, action program, measure, activity), setting goals corresponding to these levels and monitoring their achievement using metrics.
Different levels of planning have different types of goals and also different types of metrics – e.g., impact metric, output metric, output metric. Both strategic levels and metrics have an owner(s) who is/are essentially responsible for the implementation of the goal.
Initial and target levels are defined for the metrics, and the results of regular monitoring, i.e. the indicators of the metric(s), are reported. This creates a forecast for metrics and a time series of actual values, which shows data at some specific time points or during a time period.
The actions of the action plan drawn up to achieve the goals have already been specifically brought to the level of the employee, and an overview of what actions are taken to achieve the results is created.
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